Disusun mengikut:
Versatile as a decor piece, and use as candlelight holder.

Pemegang Lilin Kaca Etta, Frost

Pemegang Lilin

RM168.00 MYR
The gold color of this candle stick holders is stunning, vintage, extremely exquisite feel. They are slender, classic, heavy and with a good weight.

Tempat Lilin Tiang Tresor, 5 Saiz

Pemegang Lilin

RM502.00 MYR
Chanceux gold pineapple jar is a gold textured ceramic decor piece. Place as a display on your coffee table.

Balang Nanas Emas Chanceux, Hiasan Arca

Pasu & Jar

RM109.00 MYR RM145.00 MYR
Siena, ivory faux snake skin leather trinket box.

Kotak Cincin Emas Kulit Siena, 2 Saiz

Kotak Trinket

daripada RM331.00 MYR
Cosmo Leather Gold Medallion Box, Available in 2 Sizes, Small and Large. Metallic Gold faux leather and gold medallion on lid.

Kotak Pingat Emas Kulit Cosmo, 2 Saiz

Kotek Trinket

daripada RM331.00 MYR
La Mer V White Coral Sculpture Decor modeled after the oceanic "cauliflower" coral, with glass crystal like pedestal base.

Hiasan Arca Karang Putih La Mer V

Hiasan & Arca

RM591.00 MYR
Habis dijual
Menganugerahkan Arca Mangkuk Emas

Menganugerahkan Arca Mangkuk Emas

Hiasan & Arca

RM257.00 MYR
Gold pineapple bookends are a versatile decor piece. Textured and in gold for a pop of colour.

Chanceux Pineapple Gold Bookends, Hiasan Arca (Set 2)

Hiasan & Acar

RM292.00 MYR RM365.00 MYR
Habis dijual
Organize and decorate with these artistic trays in blue brown hues for a mystical touch to your dining table or coffee tables.

Dulang Lautan Pemandangan Laut, Bulat

Dulang & Pinggan

RM109.00 MYR
Serene Botanical Book Box, 2 Sizes. These charming wooden book box collection make worthy homes for your most cherished keepsakes. Elegant designs grace each cover featuring botanical designs on silk.  Perfect as storage for little things, and decor on tables and shelves.

Kotak Buku Botani Serene, 2 Saiz

Kotak Buku

daripada RM145.00 MYR
Merce Grey Leather Tray With Acrylic handles and gold edge.

Dulang Bersarang Kulit Merce, 3 Saiz

Dulang & Pinggan

daripada RM321.00 MYR RM428.00 MYR
The Oceanfront round tray, large, available in rectangular and round. Organize and decorate your home for a oceanic vibe.

Dulang Biru Tepi Laut, Bulat

Dulang & Pinggan

RM133.00 MYR RM205.00 MYR

Hiasan Paling Laris ~ Koleksi Baru

Barangan hiasan terlaris kami diisi semula atas permintaan anda. Bak kata pepatah, "Decor membuat rumah. Cepat, dan pesan sebelum kehabisan lagi.